HI(LL)IT Sprints

hill-sprintHigh Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a proven way to develop your conditioning. They're also excellent for fat-burning. And one of the best exercises for doing both is hill sprints.

Now, for those of you who think sprinting up a hill is too much for you, let's use our own definition of "sprint" here. While it's normally considered to be running at (or near) full speed, we'll consider it to be moving at (or near) your full speed. So a "sprint" might be a fast walk for some people; that's OK. The important part is the intensity, which must, obviously, be high. So moving at (or near) full speed uphill for a short time constitutes a hill sprint. See? I knew you could do it!

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Challenged by “Challenges”

yay-11005316-side-plankThere's no shortage of "challenges" to choose from these days. A 28-day Squat Challenge, 30-day Plank Challenge, 30-day Triceps Dips Challenge (seriously?). The allure is pretty obvious: it's just 30 days and you're done. Not to mention the often ludicrous claims associated with some of them. (Planking to lose inches from your waist? Gah!)

Challenges of this sort can be useful, if used properly. But there are, as always, caveats.

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Box Jump Tips

Jumping on boxes has become rather popular in some fitness circles. Jumping for fitness has been around for a long time. Jumping onto extremely high boxes or platforms has only recently become a fitness fad of sorts. Unfortunately, it's also led to a number of unpleasant consequences.

But you don't need a really high box to get the benefits of box jumps.

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Walking Wapping Warm-up: Conclusion

rd-knee-to-groinLast time, we wrapped up the movements of the Walking Wapping Warm-up:

(By the way, the picture above doesn't have anything to do with the warm-up, although it was used in the Knees post. It's just a neat picture.)

Now, just to get some closure, here's a brief wrap-up about putting it all together.

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