Push-ups: Core and Resistance

push-ups-topPush-ups are usually considered an upper body exercise that develops the chest, shoulders, triceps, and upper back. But when done correctly, they are a very much a core exercise, too.

The top of a push-up is a "pedestal" plank which is a variation of the more popular plank done on the forearms. This makes a well-done push-up an excellent way to work the core.

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Thanksgiving Run

turkey-runningWay back in 2008, I set a goal for myself to run a 6-minute treadmill mile before the end of the year. (I've never been a big runner, so this was a good challenge.) Tweaking my knee in the summer set me back, but I kept on working the program, spending more time running at 10 mph (a 6-minute mile pace).

Then along came Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, 2008.

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Body Slam

Gary slamming medicine ballSlams are fun for power and energy system development. Common slam tools are medicine balls and heavy "battle" ropes (but not cats). Unfortunately, people often shortchange themselves by slamming using primarily their arms. This limits the muscle involvement and so the power (and calorie burn) of the exercise.

Instead, get your body weight into your slams, as shown in the video below.

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Quick Question: What is “triple extension”?

Starting a new, irregular (as in not on a regular schedule vs. just odd, although it may be that at times, too) series: "Quick Question". So if you have any (questions, that is), ask them in the comments and I'll try to get a response post. Unless it's a stupid question. (I'm looking at you, Sparky.)

Today's question is, "What is triple extension?" It's one of those questions best answered in a video. So voila.

Be seeing you.


Something Is (Way) Better Than Nothing

woman asleep on couchHave you ever skipped a workout?

This question reminds me of the adage that the only way to never fall off a horse is to not ride. If you work out, sooner or later you're going to want to skip because you just don't feel like doing it. If it happens too often, your fitness plans (or dreams) are doomed. And let's face it, that's pretty common, and is partly why every year the gym crowds of January dwindle back to "normal" by March.

But it doesn't have to be that way. While never missing a workout would be ideal, there's a compromise: on the days you feel like skipping, feel like doing nothing, just do something. Anything.

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