Last time was the introduction to the Walking Wapping Warm-up (so if you don't know what it is, check that one out first).
Now it's on to movement #1: The Jab. It's a simple movement, but like anything worth doing, it's worth doing right. Even in a warm-up.
Check out the video for details.
One thing not mentioned in the video is to make a good, tight fist when punching. If you wear wraps or gloves when hitting (or have long fingernails), this won't be possible. But when you can, always make a good fist. The additional tension will activate more muscles, plus it's a good habit to have if you ever need to actually punch something and don't want to break your hand.
So even if you're a delicate flower, squeeze those hands. It will warm more than your heart. Till next time...
Be seeing you.