Getting Started with StrongFast Fitness Personal Training

NOTICE: StrongFast Fitness has made some temporary changes in response to the current COVID-19 situation. Click to learn more.

Now that you know what StrongFast's Blended Fitness includes and how much it costs (if you don't you can look here), here's a brief outline of the steps involved with getting started. It's easy!

  1. We meet, either in person (preferred) or an online video chat. This is "personal" training after all! I need to know a little bit about your goals and experience to make sure this program is a good fit for you.
  2. I'll create a login for you with our proprietary online system and enroll you in a free, very simple, generic one-week Blitz. This probably won't have anything more strenuous than walking but it will give you a taste of how the online system works. You can expect regular contact from me through the system because that's how things go here!
  3. If you're happy with the way things work, it's time to join! Then you can start filling out online questionnaires with important information like when you like to exercise and what equipment you have available (if any).
  4. We'll meet to get things rolling with a check of your fitness level and an introduction to proper form for whatever it is you'll be doing first. (That will depend on your questionnaires.)
  5. You get your first two-week Blitz, custom made for you! And away we go!

Ready? Just email or text (or call) 716.425.3739 and let's get Blitzing!

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