Thanksgiving Run

turkey-runningWay back in 2008, I set a goal for myself to run a 6-minute treadmill mile before the end of the year. (I've never been a big runner, so this was a good challenge.) Tweaking my knee in the summer set me back, but I kept on working the program, spending more time running at 10 mph (a 6-minute mile pace).

Then along came Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, 2008.

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Super Giant Salad Numbers

Pretty much every day I'm home, I make my Super Giant Salad for lunch. It generally weighs in at about two pounds. The picture doesn't show its unsuspected depth. Rest assured: it's big.

super giant salad

Looks delicious, right? And it is, which is why I have it most every day. (On the road, I buy one, lately from Cafe Basil.)

Recently, I was giving a spin to check it out. (It's not bad.) And the numbers on my salad were interesting, so thought I'd share:

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Body Slam

Gary slamming medicine ballSlams are fun for power and energy system development. Common slam tools are medicine balls and heavy "battle" ropes (but not cats). Unfortunately, people often shortchange themselves by slamming using primarily their arms. This limits the muscle involvement and so the power (and calorie burn) of the exercise.

Instead, get your body weight into your slams, as shown in the video below.

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Stand Up Guy

man-sitting-at-deskIt's not hard to find articles about the hazards of too much sitting. If you're stuck with a job that requires lots of it, that stinks. There are things you can do to mitigate it, but the best option is to do less of it.

If you do a lot of work on a computer, you might think sitting on a Swiss ball is a good ideal. Alas, not so much. A stand-up desk can be a great option, but they tend to be expensive. Fortunately, there are improvisational options. (Click on the images to see larger versions.)

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Quick Question: What is “triple extension”?

Starting a new, irregular (as in not on a regular schedule vs. just odd, although it may be that at times, too) series: "Quick Question". So if you have any (questions, that is), ask them in the comments and I'll try to get a response post. Unless it's a stupid question. (I'm looking at you, Sparky.)

Today's question is, "What is triple extension?" It's one of those questions best answered in a video. So voila.

Be seeing you.


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