Comments on: Born to Sprint Buffalo NY Personal Training Sun, 05 Nov 2023 02:17:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: gary Sun, 05 Nov 2023 02:17:18 +0000 Dennis, the post did not intend to imply that all are meant to sprint; only that I am. Others who may be similarly predisposed may identify with this preference. Clearly, you do not. I hope, however, that you can change your unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle. Best of luck to you.

By: Dennis Hutchins Sun, 05 Nov 2023 01:39:14 +0000 BORN TO COMPRESS A SOFA CUSHION

We are all not meant to run or sprint or even walk upright. I was born to compress a sofa cushion. But this is a common trait found in nature. My dog will often (of his own accord) jump up on the sofa and take up residence. I fell this “nature” behavior is my evolutionary trait manifesting to it’s full potential. Laziness is my strong point. Hell it’s even tiring to say the word Sprint (now I need to pause to catch my breath). I’ll leave the springing to shoppers on Black Friday thank you.
