Comments on: 3 June 2014 Buffalo NY Personal Training Wed, 04 Jun 2014 04:22:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Conan the untamed Wed, 04 Jun 2014 04:22:34 +0000 I’ll resist addressing the censorship issues raised by “Family Newsletter”, and go right to the heart of the question. Is there a moral responsibility to care for our person health. The short answer is “Yes.” If you subscribe to the school of thought that implies we are all interconnected is our actions where on this Big Blue Marble. Then of course we owe it to each other to care for our selves and there by add to the greater good of all. For we know that when we feel good (a side effect of good health) we are more apt to “play nice with others” and extend that personal feeling of well being to others. Now will this concept take root and bear fruit in the future. As we say in the U.K. “Now bloody likely.” Why? In this world of disconnection from others (Texting/ absorption in electronics) we have loss the voice of our own bodies. An not hearing the voice of your body we listen to another Master…the MIND.
We would do well to remember this saying “The MIND makes a good servant but a terrible Master.”
