
StrongFast Fitness Presents the
1st Annual Back to School Transformation Challenge
ice cream sundae Ah, what a beautiful summer in Buffalo! Plenty of sun (a little too much!), great outdoor activities, and lots and lots of food! After working to get "beach ready" and spending all that time swimming, cycling, and working in the yard, you'd think we'd all wind up in the best shape of the year. But all those barbecues, vacations, desserts, drinks, naps, and ice cream--oh, the ice cream!--leave a lasting legacy around the waistline.

But with the kids heading back to school and vacation season winding down, now's the perfect time to do something about it! And our Back to School Transformation Challenge is here to help!

Transform your body in 8 weeks and win fabulous prizes. All for only $59!

Prizes for:

So what do you get? All this for 8 weeks for only $59!


The Details

  1. Pre-challenge picture, weigh-in, and measurements on Saturday, September 8th and Sunday, September 9th. Measurements will be waist and hips only. (Times to be announced.)
  2. Challenge starts Monday, September 10th and ends Saturday, November 3rd.
  3. Final picture, weigh-in, and measurements on Saturday, November 3rd only. (Times to be announced.)
  4. Prize winners for weights and measurements will be based on percentage of pounds and inches lost.
  5. If one person leads in both pounds and inches lost, only one prize will be awarded to that person; the other prize will go to the person with the best percentage loss in either category.
  6. To be eligible for the transformation prize, before and after pictures and a testimonial must be submitted no later than Sunday, November 4th.
  7. Online-only participants may submit before and after photos (front and profile) with a current newspaper for proof of date. Before picture must be dated no earlier than September 8th and after picture no later than November 3rd.
  8. Prize for most inspirational to the group will be voted on by Challenge participants.
Any questions? Just ask! Call (716) 425-3739 or email
